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Figure 4
Fit parameter of the error estimation for phase [[\alpha_{\phi}] (a) and [\beta_{\phi}] (b)] and contrast [[\alpha_{C}] (d) and [\beta_{C}] (e)] as a function of the initial contrast C0 and at a fixed phase [\phi_{0}] = 60°. Panels (c) and (f) show the scaling parameters [\tilde{\beta}_{\phi}] and [\tilde{\beta}_{C}] using the constraint [\alpha_{*} = -0.5]. The color code is the same as for Fig. 3[link]: reconstruction method (rec; in red), generic fitting procedures using four (fit,4; in green) and 16 (fit,16; in blue) time bins. Apart from in plots (e) and (f), the values deduced from the four-point fit and the reconstruction method overlap with each other.

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