research papers
Quantitative phase analysis and microstructural characterization of urinary tract calculi with X-ray diffraction Rietveld analysis on a Caribbean island
aUniversity of the West Indies, St Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago, and bEric Williams Medical Sciences Complex, Mount Hope, Trinidad and Tobago
*Correspondence e-mail: jaimie.greasley@gmail.com
In the twin-island state of Trinidad and Tobago, urinary stone analysis is not routinely performed. This study investigates, via powder X-ray diffraction, 52 urinary tract calculi collected from hospitals in Trinidad. Of these, 46 stones were analysed with
for quantitative analysis and materials characterization. Refined unit-cell, microstructural and weight fraction parameters were obtained, with the last being used for stone classification. The results revealed seven distinct mineralogical phases of varying frequency: calcium oxalate monohydrate (COM, 58%), calcium oxalate dihydrate (COD, 23%), carbonated apatite (APA, 48%), brushite (BRU, 6%), struvite (STR, 42%), uric acid (UA, 23%) and ammonium acid urate (AAU, 19%). The average refined crystallite sizes were 1352 ± 90 Å (COM), 1921 ± 285 Å (COD), 83 ± 5 Å (APA), 1172 ± 9 Å (BRU), 1843 ± 138 Å (STR), 981 ± 87 Å (UA) and 292 ± 83 Å (AAU). Subsequently, 36.5% of stones were categorized as phosphates, 34.6% as oxalates, 13.5% as uric acid/urates and 15.4% as mixed compositions. The study findings highlight the importance of stone analysis as a necessary step towards disease management of local patients, and endorse the application of as a natural extension to diffraction-based kidney stone investigations.Keywords: kidney stone analysis; X-ray diffraction; quantitative Rietveld analysis; kidney stone composition; urolithiasis.
1. Introduction
Urolithiasis, the pathological formation of concretions in the urinary tract, is an affliction suffered by many around the globe. It is the third most common urological disorder (Prezioso et al., 2014), with a risk of 1–19% for Asian populations, 5–9% for Europeans and 12–15% for North Americans (Liu et al., 2018
; Ramello et al., 2001
). Epidemiological data depict a globally increased incidence of urolithiasis over the past few decades (Yoshida et al., 1999
; Hesse et al., 2003
; Stamatelou et al., 2003
; Sharma & Filler, 2010
). Despite a patient being rendered stone free after medical and surgical interventions, there is also the issue of recurrence (Williams, 1963
). Urolithiasis may bring about acute renal failure as a complication of urinary obstruction and/or inflammation of the kidney (Jamal & Ramzan, 2004
; Keddis & Rule, 2013
; Tang & Lieske, 2014
). Recurrent stone formers are thus vulnerable to decreased renal function (Gillen et al., 2005
), the development of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and end-stage renal failure (ESRF) (Rule et al., 2011
; Kartha et al., 2012
; Keddis & Rule, 2013
). Other concomitant associations include hypertension (Madore et al., 1998
), sepsis (Al-Mamari, 2017
), osteoporosis (Pfau & Knauf, 2016
) and urothelial carcinoma (Sun et al., 2013
Urinary tract calculi are due to the emergence, growth and clustering of mineralogical crystals in urine. Kidney stones are mostly crystalline, but are held together by a complex organic matrix comprising proteins and ; Khan et al., 2016
). Although it is reported that more than 100 different chemical species have been detected in kidney stones (Daudon & Jungers, 2012
), only about a dozen of these are found in greater than 1% of cases. The most common minerals are calcium-based oxalates (CaOx) and phosphates (CaPh) (Daudon et al., 2009
). Non-calcareous minerals include magnesium phosphates, uric acid/urates, and, exceptionally, rare protein and drug-related compositions (Daudon et al., 2016
Calcium oxalate monohydrate (COM, CaC2O4·H2O) or whewellite is by far the most frequent composition (Schubert, 2006). Its structure has been found in the monoclinic P21/c (a = 6.316, b = 14.541, c = 10.116 Å, β = 109°). Calcium oxalate dihydrate (COD, CaC2O4·2H2O), called weddellite, is the less chemically stable oxalate form and converts to COM over time (He et al., 2010
; Izatulina et al., 2018
). It crystallizes in the tetragonal system with I4/m (a = 12.371, c = 7.357 Å). CaOx stones tend to be ambiguous with regard to their aetiology. Elevated levels of oxalate and calcium ions in the urine, referred to medically as hyperoxaluria and hypercalciuria, respectively, are associated with their formation. However, these conditions in turn require further assessment as they arise from a multitude of possible metabolic, dietary or genetic influences (Pak, 1998
; Moe, 2006
Calcium phosphates include carbonated hydroxyapatite (APA, Ca5[PO4,CO3]3OH) and calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate or brushite (BRU, CaHPO4·2H2O). Hydroxyapatite's structure belongs to the hexagonal P63/m (a = 9.424, c = 6.879 Å), whereas brushite has been assigned to monoclinic Cc (a = 5.8105, b = 15.1758, c = 6.2337 Å, β = 116.405°). The latter phase is rare, but its presence in calculi signals severe stone disease (Klee et al., 1991; Evan et al., 2005
Magnesium ammonium phosphate hexahydrate or struvite (STR, MgNH4PO4·6H2O) is more prevalent than the monohydrate form. It is orthorhombic, belonging to Pmn21 (a = 6.941, b = 6.137, c = 11.199 Å). Struvite stones arise from bacterial infection of urine. The production of urease, by specific strains of bacteria, facilitates the breakdown of urea into ammonia and carbon dioxide. This reaction alkalizes the urine and promotes the precipitation of struvite and carbonated apatite (Hess, 1990; Rahman et al., 2003
). Consequently, struvite and sometimes carbapatite stones are labelled as infection stones (Prywer & Torzewska, 2010
Phases of uric acid and derivatives include anhydrous uric acid or uricite (UA, C5H4N4O3), uric acid dihydrate (C5H4N4O3·2H2O), ammonium acid urate (AAU, C5H7N5O3) and sodium urate (C5H3N4NaO3). Uricite belongs to P21/a (a = 14.464, b = 7.403, c = 6.208 Å, β = 65°), and there is one hypothesized structural model for AAU which puts it in the triclinic (a = 3.65, b = 10.215, c = 10.597 Å, α = 113.9, β = 91.1, γ = 92.3°) (Friedel et al., 2015
). Uric acid requires consistently low pH urine for precipitation (Shekarriz & Stoller, 2002
). Risk factors include gout or a family history of gout and a diet high in protein (Breslau et al., 1988
). Persons who are overweight, obese or diabetic have also been shown to be at risk for uric acid urolithiasis (Sakhaee et al., 2002
; Taylor et al., 2005
; Mosli et al., 2013
; Lieske et al., 2006
Multiple factors are implicated in stone formation. These may be classified as anatomical, genetic, metabolic, dietary or environmental in origin. Regardless of the aetiopathogenic forces at play, urinary stones are brought on by a specific set of physicochemical conditions and events. These are (i) the persistent ). The first two circumstances are termed `pre-requisites' as they produce crystals but do not compel the formation of a macroscopic stone (Rodgers, 2017
). Urine is normally supersaturated with certain solutes and the appearance of crystals is not uncommon in non-stone formers (Grases et al., 2000
). What distinguishes lithogenic from normal urine is the frequency, size, morphology and extent of aggregation of the crystals (Kok et al., 1990
; He et al., 2010
1.1. Stone investigations
Kidney stones are proof of an atypical urinary environment, with appearance and crystalline composition being direct clues to their origin and development (Daudon et al., 2008, 2016
; Cloutier et al., 2015
). Analysis of stones should be a central component of diagnostic evaluation for all urolithiasis patients (Coe et al., 1992
; Grases et al., 1998
; Tiselius, 2000
; Kourambas et al., 2001
). Knowledge of molecular composition is key to patients' risk evaluation for recurrent stone disease or more grave developments like CKD and ESRF. For this purpose, popular stone analysis techniques include wet chemical analysis, infrared spectroscopy (IR), (SEM) and powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) (Basiri et al., 2012
). PXRD and IR are the standard and recommended methods (Turk et al., 2020
Powder X-ray diffractometry permits the direct identification of crystalline phases due to the acquisition of characteristic diffraction patterns upon sample interaction with a monochromatic X-ray beam. Kidney stones are polycrystalline and may be effectively assessed via this technique. The inclusion of the et al., 2008). A Rietveld procedure involves the iterative of structural, microstructural and sample parameters such that a calculated profile becomes well fitted to the measured diffraction pattern. For kidney stone analysis, Rietveld studies have the potential to reveal structural details related to pathology-specific physicochemical conditions and stone growth mechanisms. In terms of microstructure, there are several indicators for further investigation into crystallite sizes of kidney stone phases (Shapur et al., 2012
; Daudon et al., 2016
; Bazin et al., 2021
This paper reports the analysis of urinary tract calculi in Trinidad using the powder X-ray diffraction method with Rietveld analysis. Our results are submitted in the form of weighted proportions of detected crystalline components for each stone, the refined unit-cell dimensions and angles, and the crystallite size for each phase. Stones were classified on the basis of their quantitative composition. The data were analysed and compared with other batch stone studies conducted globally. The benefits of Rietveld studies for stone analysis are also discussed.
2. Experimental
2.1. Sample collection and preparation
Urinary tract calculi were collected from two public hospitals. The stones were rinsed with a saline solution post-removal and then stored in plastic or glass containers. Prior to analysis, the stones were rinsed again with de-ionized water and allowed to air-dry for up to 48 h. A ceramic mortar and pestle were used to grind the stones into a fine powder for XRD scanning.
2.2. Instrumentation and scanning
Diffraction scans were conducted with the Bruker D2 Phaser Tabletop X-ray diffractometer for the angular range 2 < 2θ < 55° with a 0.02° step size. The diffractometer setup was the standard Bragg–Brentano geometry with a primary and secondary goniometer radius of 141.4 mm. The radiation source was a ceramic X-ray tube with a Cu anode target. The wavelengths of Kα1, Kα2 and Kβ were 1.5406, 1.5444 and 1.3922 Å, respectively, with a Kα2/Kα1 ratio of approximately 0.5. The optical system comprised 2.5° Soller modules, a 1 mm (0.6°) fixed divergence slit and an Ni Kβ filter. The detector was a LynxEye linear position-sensitive detector.
2.3. Phase identification
Scan files were imported into the DIFFRAC.EVA software (Version 4.2; Bruker AXS GmbH, Karlsruhe, Germany). Crystalline phases were identified with the aid of the program's Search/Match operation using the ICDD PDF-2 (2011 version; International Centre for Diffraction Data, https://www.icdd.com) reference database. Phase presence was subsequently confirmed with Rietveld analysis.
2.4. Crystallite size and crystallinity
In DIFFRAC.EVA, the percent crystallinity of the samples was calculated with the Crystallinity function. This operation automatically determines the crystallinity according to equation (1),
where G is the global area under the diffraction profile and R is the reduced area (area of Bragg peaks) after background subtraction.
Crystallite size calculations via the Scherrer method using both integral breadth (IB) and FWHM were performed on selected samples. The Create Area tool in DIFFRAC.EVA allows the user to demarcate the angular range of a single peak for crystallite size determination. Several single peaks were chosen from the scans and used for the DIFFRAC.EVA calculation. The instrumental contribution was set as the averaged FWHM of corundum peaks scanned using the same settings as the samples. The Scherrer constant k was provided as 1.
2.5. Rietveld refinement
The , 1969
) and is today adopted into numerous software programs (Le Bail et al., 2008
). The structure routine involves the extraction of data from a calculated profile (Icalc) which has been fitted as well as possible to the observed data (Iexp) via minimization of the weighted sum of squares, WSS,
The calculated intensity at the ith point of a pattern () is a sum over the contributions of all the phases, peaks and background at that point,
How well a calculated pattern matches the observed profile is ordinarily judged by means of the weighted profile R factor:
The lower the value of Rwp, the better the fit is presumed to be.
In these equations, wi = , I is the beam intensity, fj is the phase for the jth phase, Vj is the unit-cell volume of phase j, Lk is the factor of the kth peak, |Fk, j|2 is the squared for the kth peak of the jth phase, Gj is the peak shape function (PSF) for phase j, Pk,j is the correction for peak k in phase j, Aj is the X-ray absorption correction for phase j, an is the background (bkg) coefficient for the nth polynomial and Nb is the degree of polynomial for background modelling.
2.5.1. Phase quantification
For a multiphase sample, the weight fraction of the pth phase is computed by the simple relation in equation (5) (Hill & Howard, 1987
). In Rietveld software, the scale factors and structural parameter values from the are used to calculate these fractions.
where S is the Rietveld scale factor, Z is the number of formula units per M is the mass per and V is the unit-cell volume.
2.5.2. MAUD analysis
The refinements were performed in Materials Analysis Using Diffraction (MAUD) (Lutterotti et al., 1999). The software features classic optimization algorithms for quantitative phase analysis and microstructural and texture analysis for materials characterization from X-ray, neutron and electron diffraction data. Structural data for detected phases were imported as CIFs from the Crystallography Open Database (Gražulis et al., 2009
) for COM (ID 2300210; Daudon et al., 2009
), COD (ID 9000764; Tazzoli & Domeneghetti, 1980
), APA (ID 9011094; Sudarsanan & Young, 1969
), BRU (ID 9007305; Schofield et al., 2004
), STR (ID 2106462; Whitaker & Jeffery, 1970
) and UA (ID 9011061; Ringertz, 1966
). The structural data for AAU (Friedel et al., 2015
) were registered manually into MAUD.
A typical procedure involves step-wise MAUD, anisotropic line broadening was chosen. Crystallite sizes were started at 1000 Å for most phases, except APA and AAU which were started at 100 and 500 Å, respectively. The general spherical harmonics model was applied to accommodate preferred orientation.
of the following parameters: (i) background and scale, (ii) zero offset, unit-cell lengths and angles, and displacement parameters, (iii) crystallite size and microstrain, and (iv) For crystallite size modelling in3. Results and discussion
3.1. Phase composition
Phase identification revealed seven distinct crystalline phases, which were COM, COD, hydroxyapatite/carbapatite (APA), BRU, STR, UA and AAU. There was no attempt made to distinguish hydroxyapatite from carbapatite as biological apatites are always carbonated to some degree (Maurice-Estepa et al., 1999; Bazin et al., 2009
). There were between one and four phases in each stone, with a modal value of two phases per stone. Thirteen were monophasic, 23 were bi-phasic, nine had three phases and seven had four phases. It was more likely that a stone comprised more than one phase, which is in accordance with the findings of Schubert (2006
The bar chart in Fig. 1 depicts the number of calculi found to contain the seven phases. COM was the most abundant mineral, having been discovered in 30 of 52 stones. This was followed by APA (N = 25), STR (N = 22), UA (N = 12), COD (N = 12) and AAU (N = 10), and the least common was BRU (N = 3). All phases, with the exception of the last, were detected as majority constituents in at least one stone (Fig. 2
). Here, we define `majority' as containing a weight fraction more than or equal to half. Pure (monophasic) stones were observed for COM, APA, STR and UA, but no pure AAU or COD stones were found.
![]() | Figure 1 The frequency of crystalline phases across 52 stones. |
![]() | Figure 2 The relative abundance of the phase majorities. |
3.2. Phase correlation
With respect to the co-existence of two given phases within a stone, Pearson correlation co-efficients were computed. The colour matrix is depicted in Fig. 3, with shades of blue indicating positive correlation (r > 0) and red indicating a negative correlation (r < 0) between a phase pair. Correlations deemed significant (p ≤ 0.01) are labelled within colour blocks. A significant positive covariance was found between COM and COD (r = 0.469, p < 0.001), APA and STR (r = 0.500, p < 0.001), and UA and AAU (r = 0.428, p = 0.002). Significant negative covariances were found for COM and STR (r = −0.448, p < 0.001), COD and STR (r = −0.377, p = 0.006), and APA and UA (r = −0.527, p < 0.001). Overall, these values indicate that oxalate, phosphate and uric acid phases are likely to be present alongside other phases of the same group, but the co-existence of two phases of different groups is unlikely. In the chemical context, this is logical as the conditions giving rise to specific phases may preclude others. It should be noteworthy when unlikely phases appear together, as this may signal crucial changes in urinary conditions and lithogenic contributors.
![]() | Figure 3 The relative abundance of the phase majorities. |
3.3. Stone classification
Fifty-two urinary tract stones were analysed qualitatively for their composition. The majority, 46, were submitted to a complete Rietveld analysis. The remainder were only partially assessed because of difficulties in the Rwp factor due to inadequate modelling of strong Nevertheless, preliminary quantitative results facilitated their classification. The stones fell into four major categories: oxalates, phosphates, uric acid/urates and mixed stones. There were no discovered protein or drug stones. A sample was categorized as an `oxalate', `phosphate' or 'uric acid/urate' if about 70% of its weight constituted phases belonging to the specified class. Calculi were deemed `mixed' if there was a weight ratio of at least 3:2 of phases belonging to two distinct classes.
of multiple phases or an unsatisfactoryOur results show two major stone categories (phosphate and oxalate) and two minor categories (uric acid/urate and mixed). The relative abundance of each category is depicted in the pie chart in Fig. 4. The numbers of stones classified as oxalate, phosphate, uric acid/urate and mixed were 18, 19, seven and eight, respectively. Among oxalate stones, 59% consisted of solely oxalate phases, that is whewellite and weddellite. The rest were majority oxalate with some phosphate or uric acid/urate content. Pure whewellite stones represented 41% of all oxalates, but no pure weddellite stones were found. Within the phosphate group, 80% consisted of solely phosphate phases, mainly apatite and struvite, and the remainder contained trace amounts of whewellite. From the seven samples classified as uric acid/urate stones, two were pure uric acid stones, three were uric acid with ammonium acid urate and the rest contained small amounts of oxalate or phosphate phases. For the mixed stones category, half were a combination of oxalate and uric acid/urate phases, 38% were a combination of phosphate and uric acid/urate phases, and a single stone was a mixed oxalate/phosphate stone.
![]() | Figure 4 The abundance of stone categories and sub-categories. |
Chatterjee et al. (2018) reported a dominance of oxalate stones for eastern India on the basis of XRD data. From a nearly identical sample size of 50 stones to our 52, 82% were classified as oxalates, which is different from what we have reported. It is obvious from our data that whewellite was the most frequent phase (30/52). However, oxalate phases were the majority (wt% ≥ 50%) for just 42.3% (22/52), half the number reported by Chatterjee and co-workers. Moreover, our classification criterion for mixed calculi led to only 34.6% (18/52) being definitely `oxalate' stones as substantial amounts of non-oxalate phases were also present.
A Japan-based study also showed a high dominance of stones consisting of oxalate, comparable to the reports of Chatterjee et al. (2018). Hossain et al. (2003
) recorded 81.6% stones with CaOx, 15.8% uric acid/urate-containing stones and just 3.7% struvite stones via semi-quantitative IR spectroscopic analysis. An advantage of their analysis is a large sample size of more than 1800 stones, but the lack of a fully quantitative method and rigid classification protocol makes direct comparison difficult. In the current work, UA and AAU were also detected at a high frequency in 23.1 and 19.2% of stones, respectively.
Uvarov et al. (2011) gave figures of 43.2% oxalates, 35.9% mixed stones, 10.3% urates and 7.7% phosphates from a reference intensity ratio XRD assessment of 278 stones in Jerusalem. A high proportion of mixed stones is prominent from their results, but is most likely attributable to the absence of a quantitative boundary in the classification method. Our results give 15.4% for mixed calculi, though following the same approach would yield 40.4%, scaling similarly to their findings.
Giannossi et al. (2012) documented 59% oxalate stones followed by 18% uric acid from a batch of 80 stones in southern Italy using qualitative analysis with SEM, PXRD and optical microscopy. Ma et al. (2017
) conducted an extensive qualitative analysis of 2437 stones with Fourier transform IR spectroscopy, of which 720 were imaged with SEM. They reported 53% oxalates, 18% uric acid and 6% total phosphates (APA, BRU, STR) for their hospital in Guangzhou. Keshavarzi et al. (2016
) noted an abundance of whewellite and uricite from XRD Rietveld analysis of 39 stones for Iran. Most of their data set were sole oxalates (28%) and uric acid (21%) or mixed oxalate–uric acid compositions (41%). The remainder were split up into isolated or double cases of cystine or pure or mixed oxalate–phosphates.
Some consistency is seen from the above reports: oxalates are most common, followed by uric acid and then phosphates. Our data deviate from this, as phosphates and oxalates are equally dominant. Similar findings of co-dominant oxalate and phosphate stones, 32 and 37%, respectively, were cited in a very recent study on a Mayan population in Mexico (Cruz-May et al., 2021).
One variation amongst the previous reports is the wide gap between the dominant oxalate and uric acid groups outlined by Hossain et al. (2003) and Chatterjee et al. (2018
) but not by the others, who report a lesser abundance of oxalates, greater frequency of other groups and a `mixed' category. Our report also follows the trend of the latter.
Caution must be taken in making and interpreting these comparisons. Uvarov et al. (2011) highlighted the lack of a standard in classifying stones amongst studies, which is especially apparent in our discussion for `mixed' calculi. The greatest uncertainty lies in differences in the analytical procedures used by stone researchers. Some surveys employed XRD as their principal technique, others IR. Some analyses are quantitative or semi-quantitative, with others relying on a qualitative assessment alone. Only Chatterjee et al. (2018
) and Keshavarzi et al. (2016
) employed Rietveld analysis in the above studies. Additionally, the sample size is quite varied, ranging from dozens of calculi to thousands. Whilst using more advanced methods, smaller studies like ours may not accurately represent the entire study population.
3.4. Rietveld analysis
Forty-six calculi underwent a complete Rietveld analysis with MAUD. The refined values of unit-cell parameters, percentage weight (Wt%) and crystallite size (Crys.) for each identified phase alongside the weighted R factor (Rwp) are listed in Table 1. The final stone classifications are also labelled in the table as oxalate, phosphate, uric acid/urate and mixed. Observed and calculated intensities for samples with one, two, three and four phases co-present are provided in Figs. 5
. The entire collection of Rietveld plots is available as supporting information.
![]() | Figure 5 Rietveld refinement of whewellite sample C24 (top) and apatite sample C33 (bottom). |
![]() | Figure 6 Rietveld refinement of monophasic sample C1 (top) and biphasic sample C46 (bottom). |
![]() | Figure 7 Rietveld refinement of triphasic sample C2 (top) and four-phase sample C9 (bottom). |
The final unit-cell parameters were generally quite similar to the starting values () with a few exceptions (
). The greatest variations were observed for AAU. However, only six refinements were performed for this phase since its triclinic structure made challenging. Deviations were also observed for some samples with minor phases, e.g. C9 for COM, C37 for APA, and C5, C16 and C45 for STR.
The crystallite size data are statistically summarized for each phase in Table 2, with the crystallite size distributions for the three most frequent phases illustrated in Fig. 8
. Box plots for most phases are provided in Fig. 9
. For COM, the distribution is right skewed. One outlier was omitted from the statistical calculations for a pure COM stone (C17). The diffractogram displayed extreme texture which was difficult to model, and the final crystallite size was 5328 Å. Apatite (APA) showed the smallest crystallite sizes and a positively skewed distribution. The lower bound of 25 Å (C37) is a possible outlier, as may be seen from Fig. 8
. The second smallest value was 60 Å. Struvite revealed quite large crystallite sizes with the highest median value of 1899 Å (Table 2
). The distribution appears bimodal at 1250 and 2250 Å. For other phases, the number of refinements performed was significantly lower. COD crystallites presented the widest range of values from N = 9 refinements and the largest mean size at 1921 ± 285 Å. The uric acid crystallites had mean and median sizes below 1000 Å. Ammonium acid urate had the second smallest sizes following apatite. Brushite was only refined twice and took values of 1160 and 1183 Å.
![]() | Figure 8 Histogram distributions of crystallite sizes for whewellite, weddellite and struvite. |
![]() | Figure 9 Box plots of crystallite sizes for whewellite, weddellite, struvite, uric acid and ammonium acid urate. |
The sizes for COM, UA and AAU are quite similar to what has been published by Chatterjee et al. (2015, 2018
). The APA values are smaller in our study as most fell below 10 nm, whereas Chatterjee and co-workers reported a range of 10–35 nm. Conversely, a broader and larger range of crystallite sizes was obtained in our study for COD (101–320 nm) than theirs (42–167 nm) for the same number of refinements. There is a difference in methodology, however, as the anisotropic model was implemented in our refinements as opposed to the isotropic model for crystallite size modelling. Bazin et al. (2009
) wrote that biological apatite nanocrystals in bone were about 10 nm, which matches well with our results. Bazin et al. (2012
) measured a mean value of 250 nm for struvite crystals via powder neutron diffraction. In agreement, 40% of our values reflect a size greater than 200 nm and 60% above 150 nm for STR.
3.5. DIFFRAC.EVA analysis
3.5.1. Scherrer crystallite size
A handful of samples were analysed where possible with the traditional IB and FWHM approaches included in the DIFFRAC.EVA software (Table 3). The values were lower than the Rietveld-refined crystallite sizes by 33–70%, but the general order of the phases is maintained. The UA sizes were smaller than those of COM, which in turn were smaller than those of STR. Uvarov et al. (2011
) also employed the FWHM method to evaluate crystallite sizes for hundreds of samples. Our findings correlate well with their modal values for COM and UA of 70 and 45 nm, respectively. Limitations of this method are the multi-phasic compositions of some samples and overlapping peaks, especially with APA, which make single and width measurements difficult or even impossible. Only distinctly separated low-angle peaks were considered, which was remarkably limiting and not representative of all hkl peaks.
3.5.2. Crystallinity
The percent crystallinity averaged 56.3% across all samples. In ranking order of increasing crystallinity, the stone categories were phosphates (48.5% crystalline), mixed (54%), oxalates (61.9%) and uric acid stones (65.2%). These data are similar to the results of Mirković et al. (2020), who calculated high crystallinities for COM and COD of 68% and for UA of 65%, although our averages were based on stone type and not individual phases as in their study. The phosphate category ranked the lowest due to the low crystallinity calculated for hydroxyapatite, which Mirković et al. (2020
) recorded to be around 18%. The high percent crystallinity calculated for struvite and brushite, however, acts as the buffer for the phosphate group.
In reference to biological hydroxyapatite, Londoño-Restrepo et al. (2019) highlighted issues regarding reports of low crystallinity by the scientific community. In fact, their high-resolution study revealed high atomic structural order for APA crystals from human, bovine and porcine bones. Londoño-Restrepo and co-workers measured bi-dimensional APA crystals to be 21 ± 8 nm long and 6 ± 2 nm wide for human bone and even smaller for the bovine and porcine samples. The ability to evaluate crystalline quality accurately using traditional XRD methods for apatite is tied to the difficulty in isolating the effects of for nano-scaled crystallites. Whilst the present investigation has found `low crystallinity' for apatite, we have also provided results of nanometric APA crystals in kidney stones based on 23 Rietveld refinements.
3.6. Clinical implications
Schubert (2006) assessed the compositions of more than 110 000 stones and published the frequencies of mineral components as 78% for COM, 43% COD, 33% APA, 10% UA, 6% STR, 1–2% BRU and 1% AAU. Here, we have reported lower frequencies of COM and COD and a significantly higher prevalence of all other phases amongst a small sample of 52 stones.
An excessive 42% of calculi contained struvite, which speaks of infection either as the origin of the stone or occurring at some point thereafter. Struvite stones are regarded as high risk for recurrence and sepsis (Gao et al., 2020; Turk et al., 2020
). The higher the struvite content, the greater the recurrence risk (Nevo et al., 2019
). One study reported a strong correlation between mixed CaOx–struvite calculi and hypercalciuria in patients (Kristensen et al., 1987
), implicating infection as a secondary event to metabolically triggered CaOx urolithiasis. This is significant, as our phase correlation statistics have shown the unlikelihood of COM content in a struvite stone. Nevertheless, a few cases (C16, C19, C31, C38 and C45) detailed in Table 1
present a COM–STR combination. According to the literature, infection may be the secondary cause and a clinical investigation ought to include metabolic evaluation of the patient.
A considerable number of stones (19%) were revealed to comprise AAU. Although this phase is predominantly linked with infection, similarly to struvite (Tiselius, 2000; Chou et al., 2012
), associations have also been made with morbid obesity, recurrent uric acid stones, irritable bowel syndrome and laxative abuse (Soble et al., 1999
; Kuruma et al., 2006
; Lomas et al., 2017
). Kuruma et al. (2006
) contemplated a need to distinguish between pure and mixed AAU stones as there were perceptible clinical differences between the two groups. They reported that 70% of the pure AAU group had history with laxative abuse, whilst mixed AAU stone formers were principally older men deemed as overweight. In the present work, AAU-containing stones were never pure but most often discovered with struvite (60%) and UA (60%), or with both phases 30% of the time. Infection seems innately related to AAU crystallization but it is doubtful that this is what actually initiated most stones. The key to this is the UA content, which suggests a metabolic origin, with a possible infection as the secondary promoter. A common thread of AAU surveys, though, is the regular appearance of serious co-morbidities in study participants. Lomas et al. (2017
) found diabetes in 9% and chronic kidney disease in 11% of patients. Chou et al. (2012
) gave figures of 60% for CKD and 12% for urothelial carcinoma and noted an elevated recurrence risk. In the light of this, AAU lithiasis represents a critical class of stone formers from this study that must be evaluated further.
Infection-related, uric acid and brushite-containing stones are all classed as high risk for recurrence by the European Association of Urology (Turk et al., 2020). Furthermore, non-calcium stones are associated with reduced renal function (Chou et al., 2011
). This investigation has highlighted a substantial proportion of these high-risk constituent phases amongst a sample of stones from hospitals in Trinidad. Due to the limited sample size, additional research is required to confirm whether the trend persists for the larger population of stone patients in the country. Should this be the case, an investigation into specific risk factors for the local population would be necessary for preventative care.
3.7. Benefits and outlook
Analysis of powder XRD data with a Rietveld-based approach not only provides a means for quantitative estimation of crystalline phases but often facilitates a qualitative assessment. In practice, minority yet critical phases had been missed in the phase identification step, with small peaks being overlooked as `impurity' peaks prior to Rietveld analysis. The calculation of an entire profile pattern from the already-known phases would then allow us to correct such oversights. For example, minor amounts of apatite were overshadowed by sharp peaks of other phases as in samples C9–C11, or the reverse scenario might occur whereby peak overlap of phases with small crystallite sizes masks normally well defined peaks of other minerals. Additionally, crowded diffractograms with three to four minerals sometimes concealed one of the components, like for struvite in C31 or whewellite in C16. The subsequent classification of stones according to phase fraction estimates is made more accurate by whole-powder-pattern fitting.
A further benefit of the et al. (2012) proposed that, for whewellite and apatite, crystallite size is related to the eventual volume of the macroscopic stone. In their study, smaller crystallites were associated with higher stone burdens, whereas larger crystallites were associated with smaller stones. Shapur and co-workers suggested that this may be useful for predicting the potential for an obstructive stone in a patient. In the biological context, crystallite size is a parameter for renal cytotoxicity. It has been shown that smaller whewellite, weddellite and apatite crystals result in higher renal cell death (Sun, Gan & Ouyang, 2015
; Sun, Ouyang et al., 2015
; Sun et al., 2020
; Bazin et al., 2021
). Daudon et al. (2016
) carried out neutron powder and discovered significant differences in uric acid crystallite size for non-diabetic males and females, but no variation in size between diabetics. From findings such as these, it is clear that the role of crystallite size should be more thoroughly assessed for its biological and medical implications.
Significant progress has been made in urolithiasis research within the past four decades, yet there are still a few fundamental gaps in knowledge, for example with regard to mechanistic theories of crystal growth and aggregation, modulator macromolecules, and the role of trace elements in stone formation (Khan & Kok, 2004; Aggarwal et al., 2013
; Giannossi et al., 2013
; Singh & Rai, 2014
; Ramaswamy et al., 2015
; Rodgers, 2017
, 2019
). Increased structural knowledge of biogenic crystalline materials could prove helpful to our understanding (Izatulina & Yelnikov, 2008
). Variation in unit-cell parameters signals changes at the atomic and/or microscopic level indicative of the crystal growth and stone formation process. For instance, a high degree of carbonation in hydroxyapatite stones is affiliated to bacterial origin (Carpentier et al., 2009
). As apatite is well studied for its applications, the relationship between incorporation of carbonate ions in the structure and the distance parameters a and c is established (Ren et al., 2013
). For weddellite, Izatulina et al. (2014
) found a linear relationship between the unit-cell parameter a and the zeolitic water contained in its structure. More revelations such as these may be revealed with larger-scaled crystallographic investigations into kidney stone materials.
The current investigation has generated unit-cell parameter and crystallite size data for the most common kidney stone phases from PXRD Rietveld data. There are too few studies which have stepped in this direction (Izatulina & Yelnikov, 2008; Ghosh et al., 2009
, 2014
; Mukherjee, 2014
; Chatterjee et al., 2015
, 2018
; Cruz-May et al., 2021
). Considering the challenges of multiphasic only one other study thus far has published data for more than 30 stones (Chatterjee et al., 2018
). More studies would be vital for affirmation of structural and microstructural data for classic kidney stones and finding any trends which may prove clinically relevant.
4. Conclusions
Stone analysis for the determination of crystalline constituents is a crucial step in risk assessment for recurrence prevention of stone disease. A powder X-ray diffraction study with Rietveld analysis was employed for a quantitative, structural and microstructural assessment of the compositional crystalline phases in 46 urinary tract calculi.
The refined crystallite sizes ranged from 85 to 236 nm for COM (N = 24), 101 to 320 nm for COD (N = 9), 3 to 15 nm for APA (N = 23), 82 to 284 nm for STR (N = 20), 116 to 118 nm for BRU (N = 2), 54 to 154 nm for UA (N = 12) and 11 to 60 nm for AAU (N = 6). The phase weight fractions allowed the classification of the sample set as 36.5% phosphates, 34.6% oxalates, 15.4% mixed stones and 13.5% uric acid/urates.
The study has found an elevated frequency in the appearance of high-risk phases such as struvite (42%), uric acid (23%), ammonium acid urate (19%) and brushite (6%), indicating the need for prophylactic intervention in study patients.
The application of the
is beneficial for enhanced accuracy through whole-pattern fitting, but also for establishing structural values for crystalline phases which may be helpful for understanding stone growth processes.Supporting information
Rietveld plots for samples C1-C46. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1107/S1600576721011602/jo5072sup1.pdf
The authors thank Mr Adrian Gayah and Ms Sadira Khan of the Materials Sciences Laboratory at the University of the West Indies for their technical assistance.
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