Figure 14
An example of incomplete annealing twin indexing in reconstructed lath martensite (see Section 4.1 ). (a) An α′ inverse pole figure map, showing grain boundaries in black and clusters formed with Code 8 in red. (b) A reconstructed γ grain containing annealing twin boundaries in pink. (c) The individually best fitting γ orientation for each orientation pixel. The scale bars are 10 µm. (d) (001)γ pole figures of the γ (blue square markers) and twinned γ orientations (grey square markers) from (b). The α′ variants according to the K-S OR are shown by round markers. Variants of packet 1 of γ and packet 4 of twinned γ are shared and shown using green round markers. (e) The variants of the experimentally refined orientation relationship, showing a 2.8° misorientation between the shared variants. |