Figure 4
Single-pulse DFXM images simulated using geometrical optics at the time when the sound wave is centered within the FoV. The three rows plot cases in which the experiment is set up with angles between the diffraction vector and sound propagation direction of (a) β = 180°, (b) β = 144.74° and (c) β = 54.74° (corresponding to sound waves propagating along [ 11], [ 10] and [00 ], respectively), as indicated schematically in the bottom row (d)–(f). All DFXM images have an orientational offset in the rocking direction ϕ to achieve weak-beam contrast. The pixel size in the object plane (intersection between incident beam and crystal, i.e. the `gauge volume') is 466 × 664 nm. The colorbar denotes the number of detected photons per pixel, without corrections for quantum efficiency or other detector effects. The insets are integrated photon-count profiles along the zℓ direction, and the FWHM is indicated in red. |