Figure 1
(a) A photograph of the ABXO element. (b) The ABXO consists of an LiNbO3 bidomain single crystal and Si(110) crystal plate. (c) Directions of scans in reciprocal space in the case of a single ABXO element installed as monochromator in a triple-crystal experiment. Axis β is defined by changing the angle ( ) between the incident X-ray beam and the sample surface. The angle changes because the ABXO element oscillates, and a `triangle' of k0, k1, q vectors slides along the Ewald sphere (k0 and k1 are the wavevectors of the incident and diffracted beams, and q is the scattering vector). Scans of reciprocal space are shown with thick gray arrows (ω, 2θ and β). In (d), scan directions in reciprocal space are shown together. |