Figure 2
(a) Schematic diagram of the TPS 13A online two-column SEC–SWAXS/UV–Vis/MALS/DLS/RI system, based on an Agilent 1260 HPLC sample purification system. An autosampler injects the samples into the system. Path A leads the sample to a SEC column, whereas Path B bypasses the column. After the HPLC UV–Vis absorption detection, the sample flows into a quartz capillary cell for simultaneous UV–Vis absorption and SWAXS measurements on the same sample spot. The elution continues to optional MALS and DLS measurements, and then a default RI detection before fraction sample collection. (b) A close-up photograph of the quartz capillary housing, with the pathways of the sample, camera, UV–Vis light, and air and water cooling indicated. The X-ray beam is indicated by a red arrow |