Figure 3
(a) Cartoon illustration of the vacuum vessel for the SWAXS detection system at the TPS 13A endstation. (b) Inside the vacuum vessel, the Eiger X 1M (WAXS detector) sits on its stage, rolling on the rail system at the front; the Eiger X 9M (SAXS detector) is farther on the same rail system. (c) A back view of the detector vessel, with all the vacuum feedthroughs on the end tank. The detector vessel sits on another double-rail system to translate the whole system along the X-ray beam. Vibration isolation bellows (indicated) are installed to reduce the effects of detector vessel deformation during vacuum pumping on the precision rail alignment of the detector double-rail system enclosed inside the vacuum vessel. (d) Photograph of the entrance window and fast-closing shutter (FCS) selectively sealed with a Kapton window (40 mm by 60 mm) or an Si3N4 window (15 mm by 15 mm). Also shown are a protection shield for the entrance window and an air curtain to dispel hot air from a heated sample stage close to the window. |