Figure 6
(a) SEC–SWAXS data collection scheme initiated by the SEC system. Red path arrows represent trigger directions, and blue path arrows show the data flow. The data collection GUI (DC-GUI) is initiated by the sample system (SEC system in SEC–SWAXS) and then executes a data collection plan through coordinating the X-ray detection system with the other endstation components (e.g. Rigi/Civi XBPMs and MS shutter). (b) The DC-GUI for programmable data collection strategies up to 999 steps. For each step (row), users can set either SAXS (SAS) or transmission mode (TM), the number of frames, the wait time (between two frames), the exposure time, the hold time (before the next step), the sample position, the shift of the predefined sample positions in the horizontal and vertical directions, the attenuation factor of the beam intensity (Att), the sample temperature, and the sample position rocking (to reduce radiation damage). Users can also choose which detector to use at the bottom-left corner. On the right-hand side, the millisecond shutter can be set to stay open during the whole data collection procedure or open only during the exposure time (to avoid unnecessary beam exposure on the sample). The table shows typical steps for SEC–SWAXS measurements. |