Figure 7
(a) The SAXS DR-GUI at TPS 13A, illustrated by a sample solution of 10 mg ml−1 BSA with 100 µl injection. The upper part is used for transmission calculation and the lower part for the Eiger X 9M SAXS data reduction. Users input the sample file name, select detector image files, choose one of four image binning modes and hit the `Run' button to conduct the reduction of the 2D images to the circularly averaged 1D I(q) profiles displayed in the lower-right corner. Alternatively, line-cut profiles or ROI on a 2D pattern can be selected or rejected in the processing. (b) The parallel WAXS DR-GUI, operating independently of or collectively (sharing the same instrument parameters) with the SAXS DR-GUI on the simultaneously measured SWAXS data. (c) The data evaluation page (DEP) with the SEC–SAXS data and online UV absorption data measured at the same sample position over the sample elution. The DEP processes the data generated from the SAXS DR-GUI to calculate SAXS I(0) (bottom left, red curve) and Rg (green curve) and display them with the sample concentration deduced from the online UV–Vis absorption (at a selected wavelength) for chromatographic evaluation (white curve). The upper-right graph allows multi-profile comparison. The well overlapped data profiles with similar Rg can be merged and converted into a p(r) function by clicking the yellow button. A DAMMIF simulation can then be selectively executed, with results displayed in the bottom-right corner from an auto-preliminary data analysis. |