Figure 3
Screenshot of the evaluation of the single-crystal elastic constants. At the top left in the dark-red box the derived elastic constants are listed. Below in the blue box the settings for the analysis, such as the displayed phase, the grain-to-grain interaction model, and whether stiffnesses or compliances should be displayed, are selected. Below in the purple box the DECs predicted by the selected model are shown. On the right, average values of the Young, shear and bulk moduli are given according to the used grain-to-grain interaction model; the grey text colour indicates the values obtained by the measurement. In the green box each experimentally obtained DEC is listed. In the grey box the analysis of the anisotropy is performed. The plot settings for parameters such as Young's modulus and the shear modulus along different crystal directions are found here, too. In the right corner inside the orange box the transition factors for the phases are displayed if a load transfer analysis is applied. |