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Figure 1
Schematics of the present method for the case of a 2D data set. (a) Input of the method as a histogram of fine bin widths [{\Delta }_{q}^{\rm ini}] and [{\Delta }_{E}^{\rm ini}]. The method optimizes the bin widths using the count distribution within the ROI. (b) Cost function. The bin widths are multiples of [{\Delta }_{q}^{\rm ini}] and [{\Delta }_{E}^{\rm ini}]. The integers of multipliers nq and nE are shown in the horizontal plane axes. The minimum of the cost function is at (nq = 2, nE = 4). (c) Cost function extrapolated to a hypothetical data set with a four times larger total count than the actual data set. The minimum of the cost function is at (nq = 1, nE = 2).

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