Figure 1
Sketch of the SANS setup and of the two most often employed scattering geometries in magnetic SANS experiments. (a) Applied magnetic field perpendicular to the incident neutron beam ( ); (b) . The momentum-transfer or scattering vector corresponds to the difference between the wavevectors of the incident ( ) and the scattered ( ) neutrons, i.e. . Its magnitude for elastic scattering, , depends on the mean wavelength λ of the neutrons and on the scattering angle . For a given λ, sample-to-detector distance and distance from the centre of the direct beam to a certain pixel element on the detector, the q value can be obtained using . The symbols `P', `F' and `A' denote, respectively, the polarizer, spin flipper and analyzer, which are optional neutron optical devices. Note that a second flipper after the sample has been omitted here. In spin-resolved SANS (POLARIS) using a 3He spin filter, the transmission (polarization) direction of the analyzer can be switched by 180° by means of a radiofrequency pulse. SANS is usually implemented as elastic scattering ( ), and the component of along the incident neutron beam [i.e.
qx=0 in (a) and
qz=0 in (b)] is neglected. The angle θ may be conveniently used in order to describe the angular anisotropy of the recorded scattering pattern on a two-dimensional position-sensitive detector. Image taken from Michels (2021 ), reproduced by permission of Oxford University Press. |