Figure 10
Box-and-whisker plots summarizing the performance of the hit and miss classification algorithm for the different nozzles that were used during the experiment. The nozzle characteristsics are as follows: Nozzle 1 = MVED_B (N = 9600 images), Nozzle 2 = JKMH#5 (N = 13 800 images), Nozzle 3 = JKMH#6 (N = 8400 images) and Nozzle 4 = MVED_C (N = 7200 images). Design files and details regarding the device geometries can be accessed at https://github.com/flmiot/EuXFEL-designs. The `×' symbols denote the mean, the horizontal lines denote the median, and the boxes indicate the lower quartile, the median and the upper quartile. The whiskers indicate, respectively, the smallest and largest observations. |