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Figure 8
Schematic representation of a wave packet of rectangular form interacting with a planar sample of inhomogeneous SLD in plane (two values, ρA and ρB). This picture illustrates how, for elastic, coherent, specular scattering, the area of the scattering surface that a wavefront of constant phase interacts with along the horizontal axis in the figure is actually its transverse dimension ΔrT projected a length L across the surface. The other, orthogonal width (along an axis perpendicular to the plane of the figure itself) in the plane seen by the wavefront is not amplified but equal to whatever the packet width is in that direction. The lower edge of the jth wavefront intersects the sample surface first, on the left, and then the upper edge a distance L further along. Note that the distances a to d and b to c are equal – applying the Huygens–Fresnel wavelet construction shows that in the specular condition the incident planar wavefront ab is exactly in phase with the reflected wavefront cd (assuming a perfectly flat material reflecting surface).

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