Figure 9
Summary of one of the principal results of previous work (Majkrzak et al., 2014 ) in which it was originally demonstrated that the specular reflectivity about the critical edge for external mirror reflection is a sensitive measure of the projected length of a neutron wavefront [after Figs. 7 and 15 of Majkrzak et al. (2014 ); reprinted with permission; copyright (2014) American Physical Society.] (The quantity along the horizontal axes is Q = Qz, corresponding to the specular condition.) (a) Model specular reflectivity curve corresponding to an effective coherent averaging of two different SLDs. In the real-space schematic of the patterned thin-film structure in the inset, the material for the periodic rectangular film structure is the same as that of the substrate and is taken to have the SLD of Si; the troughs in between, on the other hand, are filled with material having the SLD of ordinary Ni (bar and trough widths are equal). Only a single critical Q is observed. (b) Model specular reflectivity curve corresponding to an incoherent sum of two independently scattering areas of in-plane SLD in the film. Two distinct critical Q values appear in this case. Both of the model reflectivity curves plotted in (a) and (b) were calculated for the case of perfect instrumental resolution – i.e. a monochromatic beam with no angular divergence. On the right-hand side of the figure are shown experimental specular reflectivity data for the two limiting cases (in addition to an intermediate case) (Majkrzak et al., 2014 ). |