Figure 3
A large-scale synthetic test on size- and orientation-distribution inversion of polydisperse cylinders. The parameter distributions (truth and inverted) are shown on the left, all discretized by 40 points. The intensity image is shown on the right (truth and fitted look identical), with qx and qy both ranging from −1 to 1 Å−1 and discretized by 120 points. A preparatory solution with a low-resolution qx and qy (40 × 40) is first conducted to provide a good initial guess for the high-resolution inversion. During the high-resolution inversion, we monitor the parameter distributions every ten trust-region iterations and compute the L1 distance between two records to decide whether any of them have converged. The parameters converge in the sequence of ϕ, r, l and θ, as indicated by the circled number in each title; a converged parameter is fixed for further iterations. The wt values are measured on a NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPU. |