Figure 5
Size-distribution inversion of polydisperse spheres using a SAXS data set. The intensity data contain 1024 points, all used for inversion (except for Irena). To account for an experimental artefact, we apply a power-law correction to the mean of the intensity data across the mid-q and high-q ranges (namely, we use a power-law background); the mean curve before this correction is plotted in grey. The radius r ranges from 400 to 1200 Å, discretized by 1000 points. We do not show the inverted curves here; instead, their bimodal Gaussian approximations are given in the legend. For SasView, we assume that the functional form of w(r) is composed of two Gaussians. To obtain a stable solution from Irena, we had to truncate the noisy high-q end and switch from MaxEnt to the IPG/TNNLS (interior point gradient/total non-negative least squares) algorithm. |