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Figure 4
(a) A geometric scheme of reciprocal-space mapping under various azimuths using a highly divergent X-ray beam (orange arrows) incident on the sample (green square) and analogous to the Radon transform used in standard CT techniques. (Qr,s) represent the reciprocal coordinate system bound with the diffractometer and [(Q^{\, \rm S}_{x}, Q^{\, \rm S}_{y})] is fixed with the sample. Each of the blue points is projected onto a coloured point on the Qr axis along the Lr,φ line determined by Qr position and direction φ. When the sample is rotated, the coloured points move along the Qr axis as a sine function, building an intensity distribution in a sinogram map. (b) Examples of sinograms I(Qr,φ) corresponding to the coloured points projected along the Lr,φ line in panel (a).

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