Figure 1
(a), (b) Order parameter averaged over all lattice sites having an order parameter higher/lower than the initial order parameter ( ) as a function of time. In (a), was fixed to and ε was varied. For , the phase separation is much slower and the concentration of the dense phase is lower at the end of the chosen time window. This makes it hard to see the effects of high , which is why ε is restricted to
[0.88,0.99] for the generation of the simulated training data. In (b), ε was fixed to and was varied. The phase separation starts later for larger values of ε due to the smaller initial fluctuations. For constant ε, the phase separations show similar behavior at early times but the droplet formation is faster for larger values of . (c) Mobility as a function of the order parameter and the gelation point marking the order parameter at which the mobility drops to 0.5. |