Figure 4
(a) Drawing of case 1 from Table 2 . The side (blue) of the parent nucleus, [100]Bss, is parallel to one main side [441] of the calcite substrate, whereas the other side, [101]Bss, is nearly parallel to one of the other main PBCs [421]Cc. The angular misfit between [101]Bss and [441]Cc is very low at 1.34°. This means that we are dealing with a new 2D twin law generated by the {010}Bss/{10.4}Cc epitaxy. This 2D twin law has the [101] axis of bassanite. (b) In case 4a (Table 2 ), we observe [100]Bss//5[010]Cc. (c) In case 4b, we obtain 2[001]Bss//5[010]Cc. Note, we can obtain two new 2D twin laws for bassanite: twin axes [100]Bss and [001]Bss for cases 4a and 4b, respectively. Finally, all the cases illustrated in (b) and (c) show that the linear misfits run in the opposite sense, which would be the ideal situation to calculate (010)Bss/(10.4)Cc adhesion energy. |