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Figure 8
Ball-and-stick overlays of the refined atomic positions within a layered building unit of Sc3CoC4 under ambient conditions (gray, semi-transparent spheres) (Eickerling et al., 2013BB30) and after cooling to temperatures of (a) 2.0 (3) K and (b) 6.7 (1) K with an estimated applied pressure of 3.3 GPa (colored, non-transparent spheres). For reference, the structural changes on cooling to 11 (1) K under ambient-pressure conditions are depicted in (c) (Langmann et al., 2021BB55). The specified coordinate axes refer to the unit cell of the HT phase of Sc3CoC4. All atomic displacements away from the HT-phase model have been magnified by a factor of seven in the drawings. The respective refined values of atomic displacements and rotation angles are given with their threefold estimated standard deviations.

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