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Figure 1
(a) The two β-Mn-type crystal enantiomers of Co6.75Zn6.75Mn6.5 viewed along the [111] direction. The 8c and 12d Wyckoff sites are coloured according to their average occupation of Co (blue), Zn (green) and Mn (red). (b) The low-temperature (T) versus Mn concentration x in (Co0.5Zn0.5)20−xMnx, for 0 ≤ x ≤ 8, determined from magnetization measurements. Circle and triangle symbols denote magnetic transitions identified previously from measurements on polycrystalline samples (Karube et al., 2018BB14). Star symbols correspond to new data obtained from the Co6.75Zn6.75Mn6.5 crystals studied here. The shaded purple region denotes a T range for which the magnetization at H = 20 Oe decreases, and concomitantly the helical wavevector q observed by SANS increases, for decreasing T. The square (diamond) symbols indicate temperatures where q starts increasing (stops increasing) on cooling, as denoted by TH (TL). (c) The temperature dependence of the field-cooled (FC) and zero-field-cooled (ZFC) d.c. magnetization in single-crystal Co6.75Zn6.75Mn6.5. (d), (e) The temperature and frequency dependence of, respectively, the real (χ′) and imaginary (χ′′) parts of the a.c. susceptibility of Co6.75Zn6.75Mn6.5 in the low-T range.

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