Figure 1
The normalized effective energy potential of the Néel surface anisotropy as a function of the Cartesian components of the average magnetization vector m0 = [sinβcosα, sinβsinα, cosβ], computed via numerical integration of the surface contribution in (2 ) and using the second-order approximation (21 ). Parameters are eA = [0, 0, 1], b0 = 0, kc = 0.1 and ks = 3.0. The minima of the Néel surface contribution are in this case along the cubic space diagonals m0 = [±1, ± 1, ± 1]/(31/2), while the maxima correspond to the Cartesian axes ± ex, ± ey, ± ez. The effective energy potential has cubic symmetry and is approximately proportional to a function of the type [see also Garanin & Kachkachi (2003 )]. |