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Figure 6
Results for (a) the azimuthally averaged SANS cross section [{\cal I} (\upsilon)], (b) the pair-distance distribution function [{\cal P} (\xi)], (c) the correlation function [{\cal C} (\xi)], and (d) the quantities [\epsilon {\cal I} (k_{\rm s})] [(56[link])] and [\epsilon {\cal P} (k_{\rm s})] [(57[link])] (B0 ≅ 48 mT). For the homogeneous case [blue curves in panels (a)–(c)] the surface anisotropy is set to ks = 0, and for the inhomogeneous case [red curves in panels (a)–(c)] we use the same parameters as in Fig. 5[link]. The functional dependence of [{\cal I} (\upsilon)], [{\cal P} (\xi)] and [{\cal C} (\xi)] for the uniformly magnetized particle all correspond to the analytically well known cases, i.e. (51[link]), (54[link]) and (55[link]).

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