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Figure 3
Selected 3D equilibrium spin structures arising from the Néel surface anisotropy [compare also with Figs. 2 and 3 in the accompanying analytical study (Adams et al., 2022BB2)]. (a) Ks = 5.22 × 10−23 J atom−1 and (b) Ks = 52.2 × 10−23 J atom−1. Further parameters are core-anisotropy axis eA = [0, 0, 1], core-anisotropy constant Kc = 3 × 10−24 J atom−1 and external magnetic field B0 = [0, 0, 150 mT]. The particle diameter is D = 5 nm. The colour code depicts the spin misalignment relative to the average magnetization vector, namely δmj = [\|{\bf m}_{j} - {\overline {\bf m}}/ \| {\overline {\bf m}}\|\|]. At the surface of the nanomagnet the spin deviations are larger than those in the core.

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