Figure 7
The effect of the surface anisotropy constant Ks (in units of 10−23 J atom−1, see inset) on (a) the azimuthally averaged magnetic SANS cross section I(q) = (dΣM/dΩ)(q) (log–log scale), (b) the value of the magnetic SANS cross section at the origin, I(q = 0) versus Ks, (c) the pair-distance distribution function p(r) and (d) the correlation function c(r). The data correspond to the remanent state (B0 = 0 T) and the nanomagnets' diameter is 10 nm. The green dashed line in panel (c) displays the analytical pair-distance distribution function for the case of a uniformly magnetized spherical particle [proportional to equation (18 ![]() |