Figure 9
The effect of a log–normal particle-size distribution function on the SANS observables (Ks = 52.2 × 10−23 J atom−1). Shown are the two-dimensional 〈dΣM/dΩ〉, the corresponding azimuthally averaged 〈I(q)〉, the pair-distance distribution functions 〈p(r)〉 and the particle-size distributions w(D) for σ values of (a) 3 nm, (b) 2 nm and (c) 1 nm. These σ values correspond to [ln(1 + σ2/μ2)]1/2 values of, respectively, 0.29, 0.20 and 0.10. The nanoparticles' mean diameter (expectation value) was chosen as μ = 10 nm in each case. The data correspond to the remanent (B0 = 0 T) and saturated (B0 = 10 T) magnetization states. The discrete particle-size classes are defined by the particle diameters D = 3–16 nm with an equidistant step size of ΔD = 1 nm. The black dashed 〈p(r)〉 curves are the analytically known solutions for uniformly magnetized spheres of size μ = 10 nm in the fully saturated state. |