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Figure 4
Computed completeness (C) and matched number of [{\hat {\bf G}}_{\rm lab}] (NG) using all the discretized orientations for grain No. 1 in the virtual Fe sample in magnified geometry. (a) 32 768 orientations with an average misorientation of 2°. (b) 262 144 orientations with an average misorientation of 1°. Blue circles highlight the orientations close to the true grain orientation (misorientation < 3°). The arrow in panel (a) indicates that the candidate ranks fourth according to NG and 1359th according to C, while that in panel (b) indicates that the candidate ranks first according to NG and second according to C. With subsequent computations for further discretized orientations over the local orientation space and fitting, the completeness ultimately increases to 0.78.

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