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Figure 1
Time versus distance diagram of SANS with a continuous neutron beam. The velocity selector (C) generates a continuous beam with wavelength λ and wavelength spread Δλ/λ. Passing through the sample (S), the neutrons are recorded at the detector (D) as a function of time. The solid and dashed lines represent neutron trajectories, where the slope corresponds to the velocity of the neutrons. A periodic perturbation at the sample (green) depicts changes of the sample scattering intensity with period TS. The oscillation at the detector (red) depicts changes of the recorded signal with a period TD = TS. The gray shaded area represents the distribution of neutron velocities associated with a wavelength spread Δλ/λ, which generates the time smearing of the detector signal characterized by Δt.

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ISSN: 1600-5767
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