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Figure 3
Time versus distance diagrams of TISANE. The chopper, sample and detector are denoted C, S and D, respectively. Lines represent neutron trajectories, where the slope corresponds to the velocity. A periodic perturbation of the sample (green) will cause a periodic oscillation of the neutron intensity at the detector (red). (a) Depiction of the TISANE condition. Neutrons with different velocities that start from the center of a chopper pulse reach the sample and the detector at the same phase of time dependence. (b) Signal smearing due to a finite chopper pulse width. The gray shaded area represents a distribution of neutrons with different velocities which arrive at the sample at the same phase of the modulation. Neutrons starting with the time difference ΔtC with respect to the center of the pulse reach the detector with delay Δt, causing a smearing.

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