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Figure 5
Basic aspects of TISANE in the skyrmion lattice of MnSi. (a) The static magnetic field Bdc and the oscillating magnetic field Bac were generated by Helmholtz coils depicted in gray shading. The orientation of the resulting magnetic field Btot with respect to Bdc is denoted by the angle ωac. The orientation of the static field with respect to the incident neutron beam is denoted by the rocking angle ω. (b) Typical SANS intensity pattern of the skyrmion lattice in MnSi as stabilized by a static magnetic field Bdc (no Bac present). Crystallographic 〈110〉 and 〈100〉 axes were vertical and horizontal, respectively. Boxes 1, 2, 3, 4 denote detector segments in which scattering intensity was observed. (c) Typical integrated scattering intensity recorded in the boxes marked in panel (b) as a function of ω. (d) Average intensity recorded in boxes 1 and 2. The red line represents a Gaussian fit of the data, with ω0 denoting the rest position of the skyrmion lattice in the absence of an AC field.

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