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Figure 2
Comparison of the 2θ corrections (δ) for speci­men displacements in three experimental geometries, including (a) Debye–Scherrer with a flat detector (derived in this article) in blue with subscripts F, Debye–Scherrer with a curved detector in red (Gozzo et al., 2010BB12; McCusker et al., 1999BB25) with subscripts C and (b) Bragg–Brentano (McCusker et al., 1999BB25). The speci­men capillary is at S, the center of the goniometer is at O, a length R from the detector, and the diffracted ray hits the detector at D. (c) Plots of the functional form of each 2θ correction for (i) Debye–Scherrer with a flat detector, (ii) Debye–Scherrer with a curved detector and (iii) Bragg–Brentano, where R = 173.5 mm and d = 0.2 mm for each. There is no displacement in the vertical direction, d = 0 mm, for (ii).

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