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Figure 8
(a) Orientation relationships [[{\widehat {\bf A}}_{c}]_{1,2}] in the six fitted clusters c = 1,…, 6. The orientations are plotted as members of SO(3)/K2 by (arbitrarily) selecting the element of SO(3)/O for which [[{\widehat {\bf A}}_{c}]_{2}] is closest to the first observation in each cluster: [[{\bf U}_{c1}^{\rm T} {\bf V}_{c1}]_{2}]. (b) Under the same convention as in panel (a), the data [[{\bf U}_{i}^{\rm T} {\bf V}_{i}]_{1,2}] are shown, coloured by cluster. The fitted orientations [[{\widehat {\bf A}}]_{1,2}] are shown as red filled circles.

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