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Figure 9
(a) A histogram of bootstrap [\{ \delta ([{\widehat {\bf A}}_{b}]_{1,2}, [{\widehat {\bf A}}]_{1,2 }) \}_{b = 1}^{B}] values. The limit cα of the 95% confidence region is indicated by the red dashed line. The estimated δ value for the hypothesized value is the vertical solid blue line on the left-hand side. (b) Locations of bootstrap estimates on an enlarged stereonet. The estimate [[{\widehat {\bf A}}]_{1,2}] is shown as the large open circle, the hypothesized value [I3]1,2 as a filled circle at the origin, and the bootstrap estimates as small open circles. The large cross in (b) is the same size as the crosses at the centres of the stereonets in Figs. 7[link] and 8[link].

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