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Figure 1
Top view of a symmetrically cut LLL interferometer having a bent mirror and operating in coplanar geometry. S splitter, M mirror, A analyser. The z axis is orthogonal to the crystal surfaces; the x axis is orthogonal to the diffracting planes. Orange and cyan indicate arms 1 and 2, respectively. The mirror bending makes the rays that leave the interferometer in the [{{\bf K}}_{o,h}] directions exit the source at different points and in different directions. An ideal geometry is assumed, [t_{\rm S} = t_{\rm A}] and [z_{\rm M} = z_{\rm A}]. d0, spacing of the unstrained diffracting planes; [x_{\rm S}], separation at the source of the rays interfering collinearly.

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ISSN: 1600-5767
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