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Figure 2
Laue diffraction by a bent crystal. [{{\bf h}}_{0}], reciprocal vector of the unstrained crystal; [{{\bf K}}_{o,h}], diffracted kinematical wavevectors satisfying the Bragg law for the unstrained crystal; red and blue lines, incoming rays leaving the crystal in the [{{\bf K}}_{o}] (red) and [{{\bf K}}_{h}] (blue) directions; black lines, rays incoming in the [{{\bf K}}_{o,h}] directions; q0 and qt, resonance errors that make [{{\bf K}}_{o,h}\pm q_{0}\hat{{\bf x}}] and [{{\bf K}}_{o,h}\pm q_{t}\hat{{\bf x}}] satisfy the Bragg condition versus the g0,t components of the reciprocal vectors at the input (subscript 0) and output (subscript t) surfaces, respectively; [z_{\rm S}], source distance from the crystal; t, crystal thickness.

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