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Figure 1
First AUC–SAS for the BSA solutions with various weight fractions of aggregates. (a)–(c) Filled blue, green and purple circles show i1(q) [= I1(q)/c1] which is derived by the first AUC–SAS for the BSA solutions with ra = 0.06 (BSA6), 0.13 (BSA13) and 0.20 (BSA20), respectively. Open black circles show the experimental SAXS data i(q) [= I(q)/c]. Black lines represent i1(q)Xtal calculated from the crystal structure of BSA monomer (PDB code 4f5s). Arrows indicate the connection points qc between i1L(q) and i1H(q). Insets show the enlarged pictures in the range 1.2 ≤ qRg1 ≤ 2.0. (d) Filled blue, green and purple circles show the residuals Δi1(q)/σ(q) for BSA6, BSA13 and BSA20, respectively. Here, Δi1(q) = i1(q) − i1(q)Xtal and σ(q) denotes the error of i1(q). (e)–(g) Open blue, green and purple circles show i1H(q) [= I1H(q)/c1] given by equation (3)[link] for BSA6, BSA13 and BSA20, respectively. The black line in each panel represents i1(q)Xtal calculated from the crystal structure of the BSA monomer. (h) Open blue, green and purple circles denote the residuals Δi1H(q)/σ(q) for BSA6, BSA13 and BSA20, respectively. Here, Δi1H(q) = i1H(q) − i1(q)Xtal and σ(q) is the error of i1H(q). The broken line denotes the upper limit of the Guinier approximation range (qRg1 = 1.3).

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