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Figure 7
CNR as a function of exposure time for four spots tracked in both (a) flat panel and (c) CCD measurements. The spot cropped images obtained from texp = 360 s (upper row) and the corresponding spot segmented images (lower row) are shown in (b) for flat panel and (d) for CCD measurements. Spot 1 corresponds to grain 25, 1 [\overline 1] [\overline 1], rotation angle ω = 288°, average spot energy Espot = 18.2 keV; Spot 2: grain 79, [\overline 1] 1 [\overline 1], ω = 288°, Espot = 14.3 keV; Spot 3: grain 111, 1 [\overline 1] 1, ω = 273°, Espot = 16.3 keV; Spot 4: grain 142, 1 1 1, ω = 216°, Espot = 18.9 keV. The sizes of grains 25, 79, 111 and 142 are 163.4, 85.3, 57.0 and 36.4 µm, respectively. Grains 25, 79 and 111 are all indexed in the LabDCT datasets, whereas grain 142 is not, in either one.

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