Figure 1
(I) Schematic of the TCB counter-diffusion apparatus, which consists of a paraffin-wax-sealed (1) capillary tube containing the crystallizing solution (2) and covered with a dialysis membrane at the opposite end (3), held in place using Tygon tubing (4). Capillaries are placed in a polythene bag (5) with reservoir (precipitant) solution, which is then sealed. (II) Schematic of the TCB counter-diffusion apparatus with the gel plug attached. The capillary tube containing the crystallizing solution (2) is sealed with paraffin wax (1). A Tygon tube (3) holds the dialysis membrane in place (4) and the capillary extension is connected (5). Another Tygon tube cut at an angle is used to allow free flow if in contact with the bag walls (6). Capillaries are placed in a polythene bag (7) with reservoir (precipitant) solution which is then sealed. (III) Photograph of a TCB-labeled bag and (IV) bags loaded in an acrylic box and packaged for flight to the ISS. (V) XI crystals grown in the TCB apparatus at unit gravity. |