Figure 4
Observation of fluorescence quenching inside the 3D-printed mixing-HVE device. (a) Fluorescence microscopy image of the empty device which serves as the background image. (b) Background-corrected image of the sample, i.e. iq-mEmerald protein (130 µM) in LCP flowing at 0.36 µl min−1 inside the device. (c) Background-corrected image showing the mixing of iq-mEmerald (130 µM) and CuCl2 (3.5 mM) entering with a 1:3 flow rate ratio (0.36 and 1.07 µl min−1, respectively). The resulting flow velocity of the extruded mixture is 5.4 mm s−1 and the total retention time amounts to ca 4.4 s. (d) Pixel intensity profiles from the 16-bit fluorescence images (relative grey values extracted via ImageJ 1.53k) for four downstream positions: inside the 100 µm-wide sample orifice (inlet), inside the 231.7 µm-wide mixing channel within the Kenics section, 1 mm downstream from the inlet (mixer), within the final 75 µm-wide section of the device material before extrusion (nozzle), and in air, 300 µm away from the nozzle tip (jet). The line positions are denoted with the yellow dotted lines in (a). The green boxes in (d) indicate the geometric restrictions of the device/jet, which are the channel widths and jet diameter, respectively. |