Figure 2
The left-hand column shows data set 1 and the right-hand column shows data set 4. Histograms of multiples of three, m3, in approximately equally populated bins of the weighted residuals ζ in increasing order (on the left the most negative, on the right the most positive residuals). The respective first bin gives the integer number n1 of m3 for the lowest (most negative) 20% of residuals, while the respective last bin gives the integer number n5 of m3 for the largest (most positive) residuals. The error bars mark 3σ and are ±(ni)1/2 according to Poisson statistics. (Left) Initially the m3 are polarized towards positive residuals. (a) The more positive the residual, the more m3 are in the respective bin. (c) The correction procedure overcompensates the 3λ effect: after application of the correction procedure most multiples of three are found in the bin with the most negative residuals. (e) In data set 1_filter, the multiples of three are approximately equally distributed, with a statistically insignificant tendency to find more m3 again for the largest positive residuals (largest bin on the far right). Data set 4 initially also shows a polarization of m3 to positive weighted residuals (b), but after correction (d) shows a uniform distribution of m3 with respect to the weighted residuals, like for the filtered data set 4 (f) and in contrast to (b). |