Figure 6
Data sets IA (filter, left-hand column) and IB (no filter, right-hand column) from Macchi et al. (2011 ). All signs of 3λ contamination vanish for the filtered data set IA, as expected: (a) the 3λ signal is insignificant, (c) the positive squared residuals are no longer on average much larger than the negative ones, (e) the histogram of the number of m3 in different bins of the residuals is uniform and (g) the NPP still shows outliers, although it is not one-sided any more. Panels (b), (d), (f) and (h) show the corresponding plots for IB. In panel (b) the initial 3λ signal is just not significant despite proven 3λ contamination in this set. Too-large σ(Io) from a large weighting scheme parameter a = 0.10 prevent the signal from becoming significant (for more information see text). |