Figure 2
(a), (b) Comparisons between the recorded intensities on a logarithmic scale on (a) the Maxipix detector (1 s per step) and (b) the CITIUS detector (0.1152 s per step) for the 111 Bragg peak scattered from the same Pt particle. White pixels indicate the detector gap or zero-value pixels. The 3D signal has been summed across the out-of-plane rocking angle. (c), (d) Slices at the maximum of the rocking curve shown on a logarithmic scale for (c) the Maxipix and (d) the CITIUS detector. The shown slices from each detector have equivalent surface area, where the difference in pixel size is taken into account. (e), (f) Three-dimensional views of the isosurface of the reconstructed phase of the Pt particle, where the boundary is drawn at 50% of the maximum density, using data collected with (e) the Maxipix and (f) the CITIUS detector. |