Figure 3
Histogram plots of the Rg values and their percent contribution for the individual structures selected by the NNLS fits for (a)–(d) the SASDBP9/Q16543, (f)–(i) the SASDF83/Q06187 and (k)–(n) the SASDM77/Q9UKA9 systems, respectively. (a), (f) and (k) P(r) NNLS fits without error weighting. (b), (g) and (l) P(r) NNLS fits with error weighting. (c), (h) and (m) CRYSOL NNLS fits. (d), (i) and (n) WAXSiS NNLS fits on the structures selected by all the other methods. In all histogram panels, the inverted blue and red triangles indicate the Rg values derived from Guinier and GNOM P(r) analyses of the experimental data, respectively, while the dark cyan inverted triangles represent the Rg of the starting AF structures. (e), (j) and (o) Distributions of the Rg values for the structures in the original MMC pool (solid black lines) and for the sub-selected MMC pool (solid red lines) used for the NNLS fitting. (e) Q16543, (j) Q06187 and (o) Q9UKA9. |