Figure 2
(a) 2D scattering pattern of SBA-15 collected at the CoSAXS beamline (MAX IV, Lund, Sweden). (b) Azimuthal scan in the region of each ring shown in (a), confirming the scattering is isotropic in the probed angular range. Otherwise, large deviations of the intensity versus the azimuthal angle relative to the green lines (a guide for the eyes) would be observed. (c) From data reduction, the 1D curve is obtained (black filled circles). It was fitted with equation (20) to determine the total background (continuous red line) and, consequently, the parameters , Sc2, back and AP (see their meaning in Table 1 ). The position of each peak (vertical green lines) is satisfactorily predicted by assuming a 2D-hexagonal space group [equation (18) ]. Once the total background is evaluated, its subtraction from the experimental data is performed and the first peak is isolated and fitted with equation (13) to obtain the parameters and controlling the shape of all peaks in the curve. |