Figure 3
Superposition of the room-temperature SX structures with their cryogenic counterparts. (a) Superposition of the SSX extruder dark-adapted AR3 (PDB entry 6guy, light green), SSX dark-adapted AR3 (PDB entry 6s63, grey) and cryo dark-adapted AR3 (PDB entry 6gux, yellow) structures. The inset right panel shows details of the retinal and the pentagonal hydrogen-bond network in AR3. (b) Superposition of the SFX 110 ns photocycle intermediate AR3 (PDB entry 7zy3, pink), SSX light-adapted AR3 (PDB entry 6guz, purple) and cryo light-adapted AR3 (PDB entry 6s6c, silver) structures. The inset right panel shows details of the retinal and the pentagonal hydrogen-bond network in AR3. (c) Superposition of the SSX hA2AR–theophylline complex structure (PDB entry 8a2o, turquoise) and its synchrotron cryo counterpart's structure (PDB entry 5mzj, gold). The inset right panel shows details of the ligand-binding pocket for both structures. (d) Superposition of the SSX hA2AR–LUAA47070 complex structure (PDB entry 8a2p, dark blue) and its synchrotron cryo counterpart's structure (PDB entry 5olv, light blue). The inset right panel shows details of the ligand-binding pocket for both structures. Ligands, selected lipids and amino acid side chains are in stick representation. Water molecules are shown as spheres and hydrogen bonds are represented by dashes. Pictures were prepared using PyMOL. AR3 and hA2AR structural alignment RMSD values can be found in Tables S1 and S2, respectively. |