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Figure 4
Electron-density maps of hA2AR's four di­sulfide bridges (Cys71–Cys159, Cys74–Cys146, Cys77–Cys166 and Cys259–Cys262). (a) and (c) show the 2mFoDFc (blue mesh, contoured at 1.5σ) and mFoFc (green and red meshes, contoured at ±3σ) electron-density maps around the hA2AR four di­sulfide bonds in complex with theophylline and LUAA47070, respectively. (b) and (d) show the omit 2mFoDFc (blue mesh, contoured at 1.5σ) and mFoDFc (green and red meshes, contoured at ±3σ) electron-density maps when the di­sulfide bridges are omitted/broken. Here, strong positive electron density is seen where original di­sulfide bridges were formed. The hA2AR residues in complex with theophylline and LUAA47070 are represented by yellow and green sticks, respectively. Pictures were prepared in PyMOL.

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