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Figure 3
Resolution performance for capillary samples using the Pilatus 100K small area detector and compared with that obtained with an analyzer crystal. Data were collected for a sample of NIST SRM 660c LaB6 loaded into a 0.7 mm-diameter Kapton capillary and measured with an X-ray energy of 17 keV. Peak widths obtained by fitting individual peaks to a pseudo-Voigt (PV) profile (a) and resolution dQ/Q obtained for those peak widths (b) are shown for data collected with the Pilatus small area detector (small circles) and the analyzer crystal setup (diamonds). The full pattern, plotted as the square root of the measured intensity versus Q, obtained from this measurement is shown in (c), with the 111 peak shown in the inset for both Pilatus (solid line) and analyzer (dashed line) setups.

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