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Figure 3
(a) A photograph of the in situ E-cell assembly mounted for HEXS measurement and consisting of an electrolyte reservoir, the E-cell body with syringe pump, the WE, RE and CE, a height-adjustable 3D-printed holder for the RE, and the mounting stage including a Newport kinematic base, Thorlab rail carrier and dovetail optical rail. (b) Magnification of the WE, RE and X-ray footprint (red square box) on the WE during electrolysis. (c) A schematic drawing showing five GC electrodes loaded on the multielectrode assembly. The thickness of the PEEK WE electrode holder is about 3 mm, shown on the right-hand end. During OER, the catalytic thin film generates many oxygen bubbles, outlined by the dashed rectangular box in panel (b). The incoming X-ray beam is perpendicular to the electrode.

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