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Figure 7
In aragonite, the thickness of the (001) planes fits very well with that of the (110) planes; in fact, one can verify that Δ% = (3 × [d_{002}^{\rm Arg}] − 2 × [d_{110}^{\rm Arg}])% = −2.23, which is a very short range coincidence. The same does not occur when comparing the (001) thicknesses with those of (010). Instead, in this case one has two medium–long-range opportunities. In the first, Δ% = (4 × [d_{002}^{\rm Arg}] − 3 × [d_{020}^{\rm Arg}])% = +4.09, whereas in the second a better percent coincidence is obtained, even though the related distances are wider: Δ% = (7 × [d_{002}^{\rm Arg}] − 5 × [d_{020}^{\rm Arg}])% = −0.87.

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